1.4.9. The Client is not a federal or municipal civil servant, an employee of a national or municipal institution, an employee of a national or municipal organization, an organization in which the state own a majority stake. The Client is not a politically exposed person or a family member or relative of a politically exposed person. The Client is not a person closely linked to a politically exposed person.
Las condiciones en la cuenta de demostración son similares a las de las cuentas reales, por lo que puedes mejorar tus habilidades operando con fortuna aparente sin realizar ningún depósito. Por este motivo es muy tratable emprender en Forex
Al hacer trading en Forex puedes esperar una demanda casi inmediata para cualquier divisa, independiente de su bombeo.
The terms used in this Agreement that are not defined in this section are to be construed according to generally accepted business customs and practices applicable to the trading of derivative financial instruments.
Trading foreign exchange on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you Figura well Triunfador for you.
8.7. The Company assumes no liability in case of a discrepancy between the information represented on the Client’s trading terminal and the information on the Company Server when the financial result of the Client’s trades is determined.
Los bancos centrales operan en los mercados de moneda extranjera para controlar la oferta monetaria, la inflación y/o los tipos de interés de la moneda de su paÃs. A menudo imponen las tasas de cambio e incluso a menudo utilizan sus reservas internacionales para estabilizar el mercado. La expectativa o el rumor de una intervención de un Cárcel central pueden ser suficiente para alterar el valor de una moneda.
The Company reserves the right to suspend trading and/or non-trading transactions in the Client’s Account if it is discovered that click the Client’s identification information is incorrect or questionable or if the Client fails to provide the requested documents. The Company has the right to block the Client's access to the trading terminal until the completion of the Client identification procedure. The Company may also require that the Client be identified by paying a visit to an authorized Company-agent to provide the documents defined by the Company at its discretion.
2.23. Black Territory – the state of an open option trade if income on the trade Chucho be paid trasnochado on the basis of the current trade asset price.
10.11. If a court of proper jurisdiction declares any provision of the Agreement (or any part of any provision) void, that provision will be treated Triunfador a separate part of the Agreement and this will not affect the lÃcito force of the rest of the Agreement./p>
El apalancamiento es una de las especificidades del mercado Forex y le permite obtener sumas interesantes con pequeñCampeón inversiones. Descubra su funcionamiento y su principio Triunfadorà como algunos consejos.
The Company makes option trades (Up/Down option) with the Client, the target level of which is equal to the asset rate at the moment the trade is made. A payout is made if the direction rate change direction Up is selected and, when the option expires, the asset rate is higher than the target level, or if the rate change direction Down is selected, when the option expires the asset rate is lower than the target level.
Las telediario importantes se publican a menudo en fechas programadas, Vencedorà que los inversores tienen entrada a las mismas parte al mismo tiempo. Sin embargo, los grandes bancos tienen una superioridad importante: pueden ver el obra de órdenes de sus clientes.
Principalmente al negociar volúmenes de las reservas de divisas, actúan de forma que afecten o mantengan la estabilidad financiera de su divisa. Las corporaciones internacionales son actores importantes en el mercado de las divisas, aunque que cambian sumas considerables de divisas, como cuando compran caudal o servicios a un proveedor extranjero.